5 Factors Cause Skin Oily, Already Know?

5 Factors Cause Skin Oily, Already Know?

Oily skin can be a very annoying problem. Makeup is used so cannot last long, really inconvenient when it must touch up many times. Not to mention the skin so easily spotty and comedy, make it really annoying.
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In general, our body produces oils to keep the skin soft and supple. It's just that excessive production can actually trigger various skin problems. Quoted from boldsky.com, when excess oil clogs pores and blends with dead skin cells also bacteria, later can cause acne and blackheads. In addition, we need to use the right facial skin care products, we also have to avoid a number of skin causes easy to oily.

There are five main factors causing oily skin. Immediately, let us discuss here one by one.

1. Hormone Fluctuations
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Excess hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can trigger sebaceous glands to produce sebum. Oily skin can also be affected by genetic factors. In women, during premenopause and during pregnancy, the facial skin can be more greasy than usual.

2. Environmental Factors
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Changes in the environment can also trigger excess oil production on the skin. When the weather is damp, can make the skin easy to sweat and oily so we should more regularly clean the face and use the product to overcome the excess oil.

3. Use of excessive cosmetic products
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Too often exfoliate, wash the face, and scrubbing can damage the skin. Use of excessive cosmetic or makeup products can also cause the skin to be more easily oily.

4. Stress
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When stress is not just body condition that will be disrupted, the skin also come into trouble. When under stress, the skin will produce excess androgen hormones that can cause oily skin. So maintaining your mental health and mind is also very important for the health and beauty of your skin.

5. Diet
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Reduce consumption of oily and spicy foods, fast food, processed products, and sweetening products to make the skin not greasy. Instead, multiply the consumption of fruits such as cucumbers, oranges, and avocados as well as various vegetables and fish to maintain skin health and beauty.

By knowing the factors causing this easy oily skin, we can more easily and carefully again in caring for the skin. Hopefully this information useful ya ladies!

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