17 Foods For Diabetes Patients And High Blood Compulsory Consumption

17 Foods For Diabetes Patients And High Blood Compulsory Consumption
Diabetes and high blood disease is a disease that can attack young age, Adults and even parents tend to be related to medical conditions arising from unhealthy habits and diet.

The relationship of diabetes and high blood

This is the scientific reason why an unhealthy diet can increase sugar levels trigger a rise in blood pressure.
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Sugar rises, blood pressure rises - When blood sugar levels rise, blood pressure also rises, because excess sugar can cause constriction of blood vessels where it is related to blood pressure. The narrower the blood pembuliuh then the blood flow becomes not ancar, This condition that menumbulkan blood pressure to rise, If lasted continuously it will cause high blood disease.
Sugar accumulation interferes with blood vessels - Rising levels of sugar in the blood that have lasted long susceptible cause excessive sugar buildup that can weaken the walls of blood vessels due to clogging so that the blockage causes blood pressure to jump too.
Unstable insulin intensity - Unstable insulin intensity in the body tends to affect blood pressure because the blood that has been containing too much sugar can complicate the blood flow to remain fluently spread normally throughout the body, As a result the blood pressure is easy to rise, This is as a natural response the body that constriction of blood vessels occurs due to excessive accumulation of sugar in the blood.
Have the same triggers - Diabetes and high blood disease have the same cause eg due to obesity, Fond of eating fasfood, Junkfood or ready to eat in the long term or due to consume foods high in fat, sugar and salt.
Food Recommendations

Tips on choosing foods for diabetics and high blood recommended by nutritionists.

1.Food rich in fiber

Foods for diabetics and high blood must be consumed is a fiber-rich foods that can protect the digestion so that blood sugar levels and blood pressure remained in stable conditions, such as oats or whole grains (whole grains)

2. Foods rich in potassium

Foods rich in potassium or potassium are the recommended foods of many nutritionists because they can lower blood sugar levels and keep blood pressure at its best, for example bananas, guavas, kiwis, melons, oranges and others.

3. Low fat foods

low-fat foods such as yogurt or low-calorie milk / fat is a good food for diabetics and high blood is consumed every day to avoid a spike in blood sugar levels that trigger higher blood pressure.

4. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids

Foods that enter as super foods are foods rich in omega 3 fats because it has the privilege in terms of lowering blood sugar levels, saturated fat and blood cholesterol in the blood so that the body is protected from high pressure that trigger the emergence of high blood diseases, Eg Egg chicken / duck , Sardines, and others

5. Vegetables

All types of vegetables but not containing gas and alcohol are the best recommendations of food for diabetics and high blood because vegetables contain many essential nutrients that effectively lower blood sugar levels and keep blood pressure always in a normal state, for example broccoli, lettuce, celery, celery , kangkung, eggplant, beans, spinach and others.

6. Fruits

fruit that does not contain gas and alcohol is also included as the best recommendations of nutritionists as food for people with diabetes and high blood, such as dagger, Melon, Orange, Banana, Avocado, Apple, kiwi and others

7. Combination juice

Utilizing a combination of fruit and vegetables that are used as daily healthy juice can lower blood sugar and high blood levels at a young age and mature, eg spinach, tomatoes and carrots or dragon fruit with broccoli steamed. This combination juice is suitable to be used as food for diabetics and high blood because it contains vitamins, minerals and rich in fiber.

8. Kinds of beans

Choosing foods from beans is the best choice because of low calorie nuts, rich in fiber and minerals so it is suitable for food for people with diabetes and high blood, such as soybeans, peas, almonds, green beans, paprika and other daan others.

9. Grain type

One of the foods for diabetics and high blood rich in high nutrients needed for body health is food of grain types, for example sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, Falx seeds rich in omega 3 and fiber or chia seed rich in mineral substances besim Calcium and omega 3.

10. Garlic

Garlic is one of the cooking spices that contain high anti-inflammatory substances and acts as a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize blood sugar levels to keep stable and blood pressure easily lowered. Garlic must be applied to every cooking menu every day but avoid raw garlic because the danger of raw garlic is can disrupt the stomach.

11.Complex carbohydrates

Foods that contain complex carbohydrates feeding foods for diabetics and blood tinghi diarnkaan nutritionists because it can suppress hunger so as to protect the stomach from hunger for a long time without disturbing stomach acid. A healthy digestion can stabilize the condition of blood pressure and blood sugar in the blood.

12. Meat type

Meat without skin or fat can be chosen to eat healthy for diabetics and high darag because it is safe and does not cause spikes in sugar levels. The recommended types of meat are lean beef, skinless chicken, Goose Meat, Ducks, Birds, Deer, Rabbit and more.

13. Types of fish

Fish is a high protein source, has omega-3 content and does not contain bad cholesterol so it is safe to consume as food for diabetics and high blood who wants protein intake keep didaalm body to keep healthy soft tissue, including muscle, nerves and blood vessels related with blood pressure.

14. Avoid foods containing purine substances

Avoid foods that contain high purine products from the sea that if consumed in excess hence harmful to the health of the body, including triggering the emergence of cardiovascular disorders.

Foods that contain logan can increase uric acid, mengaggalkan split fat and slow sugar to process the body into energy and trigger an increase in blood pressure, such as crabs, lobster shrimp, oysters, shellfish, sea cucumbers and others.

15. Avoid cholesterol foods

Foods that contain high cholesterol tend to have tasty and delicious flavors but low in nutrition, High fat, High cholesterol and adequate salt content can clog blood vessels and accelerate the spike in blood sugar levels. Cholesterol that accumulates in the body can hold blood sugar in the blood that causes the buildup of blood vessels, P.

16. Avoid instant noodles

Instant noodles are not included foods for people with diabetes and high blood, because instant noodles contain high salt. Fats and preservatives that can injure the wall of the stomach and narrow the blood vessels. Instant noodle is a type of food that is difficult to digest by the digestion so it is not good for people with diseases associated with blood vessels. One of the dangers of instant food for the health of the body is the ease of blood sugar levels increase.

17. Avoid preserved food

Foods that are preserved are foods that do not enter as food for people with diabetes and high blood because it contains salt, sugar and preservatives that can injure arteries in the blood vessels that trigger the emergence of symptoms of hypertension and increased levels of significant sugar.

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