5 The Impact of Depression on Women Is Quite Frightening

5 The Impact of Depression on Women Is Quite Frightening

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 News dies of world designer Kate Spade for suicide due to recent depression is shocking. Many mourned his death. The factor causing suicide, ie depression back into a serious topic to discuss. Depression in women can cause a number of negative impacts that turn out to be quite frightening.

As quoted from webmd.com, after passing through puberty, women at risk of depression doubled higher than men. Some experts say this happens because of changes in hormone levels that occur throughout the life of women. Starting from hormonal changes after puberty, pregnancy, menopause, as well as postnatal effects or due to miscarriage. Not to mention the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) experienced every month that greatly affects the emotions and condition of the female body every month.

Factors that cause a woman to experience depression may include a family history of mood disorder, loss of parent under 10, loss of support system, fear of losing people who can provide support, social stress, physical and sexual abuse experienced small, and the use of certain drugs. Depression conditions can have different effects or effects on men and women.

In women, the effects of depression can be quite daunting. Here are five effects of depression that will generally be experienced by women.

1. Being haunted by guilt
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Women who are depressed can continue to be haunted by feelings of guilt. Especially if the condition of depression is not immediately addressed, this feeling of guilt for a long time can be very excruciating.

2. Appears suicidal desire
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Women can have the intention to end their own lives when depressed. When you have lost your spirit of life, a woman can be desperate to kill herself to end her suffering.

3. Easy to panic
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Depression in women can cause anxiety disorders. So it can be easy to panic and phobia with many other things.

4. Get sick easily
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Depression can interfere with the sleep cycle, causing insomnia or difficulty getting up. The effect can make the body always feel tired. Can even lower the immune system so vulnerable to infection and can make the body easy to fall ill.

5. Trigger the emergence of new diseases

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Depression affects not only the functioning of the brain but also the functioning of the body as a whole. Can make the diet change, the impact can affect weight (can malnutrition or obesity) and in the long term can cause hypertension or diabetes.

The impact of depression cannot be underestimated, yes ladies. If you feel you have some symptoms of depression, it's good to get help immediately to recover your condition. Although it may indeed take a lot of time we still need to get back the hope to move on.

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