10 How To Overcome Hair Loss

How To Overcome Hair Loss
Hair is considered as a very important thing, it can be used to beautify women, hair can also be used to form for someone.

Even now there are many hair care products that can cope with severe hair loss, but it turns out there are still many people choose traditional ways of using natural ingredients. Well, although only using natural ingredients that are effective and do not give side effects on hair health.

Did you know that hair loss is normal and normal. Please our hair will be spent as much as 40-120 strands, while the number of our hair can reach 100 thousand pieces. But all of that would be a waste if you go to hair loss.

And if it is severe you can submit a baldness. Surely you do not want to go it is not it? Here I will describe some tips to overcome hair loss with a variety of materials that you can easily find. What are they?

How To Overcome Hair Loss Naturally
1. Using Aloe Vera
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 Content in aloe vera turned out not only to make hair become healthier, but also more powerful and more effective.

Before applying this method, use hair and wait until half dry. After that wipe the mucus that is on the aloe vera meat. Rub on your hair and scalp, allow 15 to 20 minutes. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

2. Pecan
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The content of candlenut oil that makes hair become more black, healthy and able to overcome the problem of hair loss. The content of candlenut oil can make hair roots stronger, and better for your hair.

How to use it with roasted hazelnuts that have been crushed. Once roasted then mash until smooth and remove the oil. Next wipe the hazelnut oil on your hair. The final step is kramas with shampoo to keep your hair clean.

3. Avocado fruit
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How to do this is to utilize the avocado fruit. You can use avocado as a hair mask, because the protein content contained in the fruit is very effective to strengthen the hair and provide nutrients to your hair. In addition to strengthen the hair, this fruit is also able to increase the growth of your hair. Simply by smoothing the avocado fruit and then apply it in your hair and scalp. Let stand 20 minutes then rinse with shampoo to clean.

4. Yoghurt
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Yogurt can also be used to overcome the problem of hair loss. The trick is very easy, you can apply it on the scalp and leave 10 to 15 minutes. Do this 2 to 3 times a week until you get the results you want.

5. Essential Oils
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Some essential oils that are proven to overcome hair loss are like olive oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil. You can massage essential oils on your hair and scalp sufficiently and also do massage. Regular application 2 times a week can give maximum results.

6. Garlic
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The trick is puree garlic and used as a hair mask. After you have been allowed to wait for a few minutes and last step use shampoo using shampoo to keep your hair clean.

7. Green Tea

The way this one is quite easy, which is to make the green as usual and wait until cool. After the cold wet air it all over your hair. Let stand for approximately 1 hour and rinse your hair with shampoo.

8. Ginger
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Ginger can also cope with your hair loss, healthy just like using garlic. Or you can also combine with mix in 1 blender. Then apply on your hair. (do not forget to wash).

9. Lime
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Lime is synonymous with pain medication and can cope with hair loss. With some lemon juice, you can do hair treatment that fall naturally. The trick is very easy, just slice the lime fruit into several slices, and rubbed on the scalp.

If you have dandruff, it is also effective to get rid of dandruff quickly. After being rubbed evenly, let stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse and shampoo clean.

10. Hair Tonic

If you have more money maybe you can buy hair tonic. Now hair tonic is available in various brands. Live you choose where hair tonic is the best and of course made from natural ingredients, one red ginseng hair tonic.

That's 10 natural ingredients to overcome your hair loss. Do not forget to keep our hair healthy, especially

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