5 Fruits That Can Help Clean Toxins from the Body

5 Fruits That Can Help Clean Toxins from the Body

In order for the body to always be fit and avoid dangerous diseases, it is very important to detox or cleanses toxins from the body.

Toxins in the body can come from pollution, free radicals, and unhealthy foods.

Moms can do it by eating fruits which in addition to cleaning toxins, also nourish the body with vitamin content in it.

1. Lemon

Lemon is one of the best fruits that effectively detoxifies the body.

Not only that, lemon also improves digestion and kidney health.

The high content of vitamin C in these sour-flavored fruits helps increase the body's natural defenses.

Lemon also has a little alkaline effect that reduces acidity caused by eating too much food.

2. Guava

Eating plain guava fruit or drinking a glass of guava juice can stimulate liver and kidney function.

Guava also provides a lot of dietary fiber, which improves the performance of the digestive system and improves healthy bowel movements.

3. Melon

Mostly, the whole melon consists of water and its antioxidant properties.

This makes melon can cleanse digestion properly.

Melon contains vitamin B complex, which is needed to recover the body from excess substances that are not needed by the body.

4. Green apple

When eating apples at least once a day, it will help detoxify the body naturally.

Green apples are an important source of important antioxidants and minerals that improve liver, kidney and colon function.

Besides being healthy, apples contain large amounts of dietary fiber, especially in the skin, which helps improve digestion.

Organic acids in apples are also effective in regulating the pH of the stomach and preventing discomfort that is often caused by stomach such as stomach ulcers.

5. Plum

Not long ago, Instagram social media was heavily promoting plums as an effective fruit to lose weight in a short time.

This fruit is even known as superfood or nutritionally rich foods from Australia.

Plums have antioxidants, compounds that reduce oxidative stress in living cells and have investigated their effective role in preventing and helping to fight disease.

Because plums are rich in dietary fiber, they can stimulate the intestine and avoid any blockage when removing waste in the body.

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